Saturday, 30 April 2011


The usual saying is 'all OR nothing' immediately underlining the illusion of separation that floats up as an aspect of the play of life itself. This OR that. Mind appears to be part of life itself as 'you' also appear to be part of life itself. In the forgetting of the ONE is the potential for remembrance and for the 'coming home' that is the 'goal' of so many on the spiritual path.

The 'goal' and the 'path', the 'coming home' and even the 'forgetting' are constructs of the mind needing to attach meaning, attain something, do and problem solve that which just IS.

Mind likes to be the driver, the leader, the instigator, the impulse for action, the do-er.

Action simply rises naturally as part of emptiness, not separate from as in a deed or a project or an achieving, but simply an unprompted flow of energy that arises as an expression of life.

Mind wants to lay claim for all that happens. Mind wants to say 'I' did that! It is like the child wanting others to notice what they are doing..... 'Mommy look at me!' 'You, Mommy' over there and 'me' over here doing something that needs to be looked at.

Actually thought does not precede action as is assumed (by mind) but action arises followed by thought.
Perhaps notice this... it is split second but it is so. Apparently.

Mind is the commentator. Mind remarks upon that which is happening anyway. Not unlike a football game on television where the commentator remarks on every play that happens after the play happens. It may seem that they are commenting as the play happens but in truth they have observed and then comment. Or so it appears to be. Action followed by thought arising. Life is happening without mind's directorial guidance. Apparently.

In truth it is all a dualistic illusion anyway including the football game, the mind commenting, the television, the popcorn, the chair and yes, 'YOU'. There is no 'two'.

The ALL is the NOTHING is the ALL is the NOTHING is the ALL is the NOTHING is the ALL is....

Pure energy, free of construct or meaning or form. Being.

Not even containing freedom. Not a container. Not even nothing.

Free even of awakening, enlightenment or certainly a 'you' to 'become' any-thing. How could a 'you' become what is already there?

and yet ALL... and... NOTHING.

That which is sought after exists in the stillness, in the movement, in the noise, in the silence, in the light, in the darkness, in the sky, in the earth, in the skin, in the water, in the mouth, in the bones, in the wings, in the petals, in the boughs, in the cells, in the linoleum, in the music, in the needle, in the honey, in the gun, in the child, in the silkworm, in the bucket, in the stone, in the elephant dung, in the smile, in the slander, in the forgiveness, in the grace, in the rapist, in the open air, in the chalice, in the spectacles, in the chair, in the monk, in the illusion of all this.

The totality of being is dualistic and non-dualist and also neither and both.



Monday, 25 April 2011


The continued search and seeking for wholeness or completeness or peace or freedom or liberation or enlightenment or awakening or for anything really is the realm and business of the mind.

The mind is the 'doer', the problem solver, the finder, the searcher, the detective, the seeker, the identity that wants something 'more', something 'greater', something 'more expanded', something of 'higher vibration', something 'more meaningful', something..... anything to make meaningful this existence.

The mind wants to KNOW. The mind MUST know. The mind wants to know NOW. The mind wants to know HOW. The mind wants to know WHY.
The mind WANTS.

Continuance is the mission of the mind.

Paradoxically everything the true seeker is searching for is unknowable by the mind. The mind is not the way. There is no 'way'.

The mind is the organising principal. It is the aspect of what appears to be 'you' that installs and keeps running and updating systems, structures, matrices and constructs. Problems and scenarios are to be organised, changed, transformed, bettered, improved upon and generally made 'other than' that which simply IS. The stillness of the 'IS' is unacceptable and boring and, even more importantly, not understandable to the mind so it gets busy.

The apparent sense of control and ability to change or shift the material or phenomenal world keep the mind system operative. The created early conditioning of what appears to be 'you' is simply a construct of the seeming mind in order to understand or cope or make sense of that which IS.

Apparent mind is not in itself a bad seeming thing, but when mind believes it is an identity/object involved with the changing and bettering and controlling of the world as it experiences it, there is an apparent ruler or driver in the experience of life that is the doing mechanism. Protecting, saving, shifting, changing, preferring, finding, discovering, operating, wanting, needing, seeking, searching, pushing, driving, obsessing, grabbing, stealing, competing, flowing, accepting, letting go, surrendering, meditating, evolving, not wanting, pushing away, refusing, saying no to, non-accepting, preventing, saving, striving, climbing, opening, wishing, affirming, causing, creating, building, transcending, going beyond, holding on to, following, fighting, pulling, continuing... continuing...continuing.

Tired yet? Exhausted yet? Over it yet? Had enough of it yet?

All apparent phenomena or material object experiences of life simply rise up as life itself. No-one has created this apparent rising up of objects or phenomena... it just IS a rising up or into life itself of that which appears to be objective or real. This wondrous continued eternal play of rising up happens simply and without 'you'. Yet all that is IS that which 'you' think 'you' are.

Life in all its wondrous play reveals the seeming rising of form from 'perfection'. That which is no-thing. The potential that exists or does not exist in emptiness, fullness, nothing and everything.

There is nothing to believe in as this would be mind in action. There is nothing to do as this would be mind in action. There is nothing to think about as this would be mind in action. There is nothing to figure out as this would be mind in action. There is nothing to know as this would be mind in action.

There is nothing to NOT know as this would be mind in action. Give mind a project and mind will race with it keeping what seems to be 'you' busy and distracted and experiencing phenomena and form at play
from the perspective of mind only.

Perhaps stop looking! Radical as this seems there are those seeming 'you's who have earnestly done the seeking and the looking and the practicing and the trying and the sitting and the guru-ing and the studying and the letting go and the surrendering and the meditating ad infinitum. What appears to be 'you' is tired and ready to just give up.

The resulting 'falling' into life and pure existence may allow an awakening to the gentle or fierce shift of perspective that reveals ultimate reality.

The dropping away or the revealing is not an action of mind but a subtle glimpse of the awakened essence. Life itself reveals nothing and everything.
Bet the mind is trying to make sense of this right now as this is read!

There is nothing 'wrong' with looking, seeking, searching, studying. As this continues there may be somewhere within the experiences and the states and the breakthroughs, moments of stillness and emptiness that reveal the experiences and states and breakthroughs as simply mind in action again. There may be the grasping for or the wanting of such states or experiences to continue as this keeps mind employed and useful and doing what it feels it does best. Problem solving 101.

Moments of pure being-ness exist. Mind is absent in these moments. Not that mind now has to search for such moments as this would be mind in action again.
Present moment awareness is mind in action being aware of present moment!

Life, pure existence is not a problem to be solved or to make meaning of or even to know. It is innocence as life reveals itself rising up into form/duality/separation in play of existence.

The illusion is that there are TWO. Separation of the ONE. Life in play of form becomes the TWO in order for form to appear. But there is only ever ONE. That which appears to be the 'you', the identity or personality 'you' own as 'you' is only ever the ONE.

There is no TWO.

Only and perfectly ONE.
It simply IS.