Sunday 22 May 2011


The implication of 'other' is that there appears to be relationship at play... this and that... you and me...
here and there... now and then... division... this and something other than this.

If 'someone' is seen to be acting in a way that is non-supportive or destructive they are sometimes called divisive.... in other words there is a separating or coming between something or someone creating division... seemingly.

Most of the world seems to operate in this divisive manner as everything becomes the 'you and me' or the 'this and that'... subject and object.

'Mine', not 'yours' begins in childhood once the innocent, open, purely aware existence of life itself falls into the dream of individuality by 'getting the concept' that 'i am' therefore 'you' must also be.

The child learns it has a name... jonas 'you' are separate from 'me' because 'your' name is jonas.
'you' are a good boy or 'you' are bad. This goodness or badness is 'yours'... and the child owns this goodness or this badness as if it is 'its own' to have.

Faded now is the wonder of being ONE with all things that appear to be in the phenomenal world of form arising from the ONE.

The child then associates through mind, as ego appears, and begins to understand that 'i' must be this 'good' that 'others' are speaking of and it seems this 'good' is a better thing than the 'bad' so the 'good' is sought in all experience as an expression of the now apparent separate person being 'good' and receiving praise or support. Being this 'good' equals 'happy' so there must always be a seeking of this 'good' in order to feel 'happy'. At some stage this feeling of 'good' can also begin to embrace whatever the senses seem to find 'good' and certainly some foods begin to take on the 'good' feeling as well as some physical sensations so the seemingly 'outside' world begins to take on the form of the provider of 'good'. The parents with their praise become the source of this 'good'. The teacher with the 'good' marks offers this treasure when 'they' seem pleased. The sexual awakening feels 'good' and seems to make 'others' feel 'good' so the more of this the better as the search for 'good' intensifies and expands to encompass everything that motivates the dream person. The substances that seem to make 'good' feelings become another way to BE 'good' once again sourcing this 'good' from outside seemingly. A need for 'good' arises apparently in the 'experience' of the individual life.

'Me' here and 'you' out there... 'you' are something 'other' than 'me'... 'you' seem to be able to either make 'me' feel 'good' or 'bad' or 'frightened' or 'in love' or 'competitive with' or 'in awe of' ... 'you' have sometimes more power than 'me' it seems so 'i' must be cautious in case 'you' get the upper hand or the control over 'me'. 'You' out there seem dangerous and a potential threat to 'my' sense of 'peace' and 'happiness'. 

Likewise if the dream child sees that apparently nothing 'i' do is 'good' enough then either why bother doing anything at all or the struggle to prove 'i' can do 'good' things overwhelms the dreamer and the ego seems to kick into hyperdrive in the act of proving the world wrong about 'me' or alternatively never bothering with anything as no matter what 'i' do it is never 'good' enough for anyone 'else'.

The patterns of the ego matrix become locked in apparently in the dreamer and the modus operandi circle and circle again and again and again and...

All the while the dreamer seems to have a deep sense buried within that there must be something more than this or there must be a way to feel more whole or more happy or more at peace or more content with 'my' life and with 'me'.

So the dreamer begins to seek and to investigate and to try to find what will 'make me happy' in many different ways that present themselves seemingly. Some seek through money, some through work, some through love, some through sex, some through drugs, some through spirituality, some through religion, some through books, some through food, some through the disempowering of 'others' in order for the 'me' to feel more powerful... the myriad apparent choices within seeming form tease and call the seeker to find them'selves'. 'Self' help... 'self' improvement, 'self' empowerment, 'self' realisation...
all in the name of improving 'my' 'self', empowering 'my' 'self', realising 'my' 'self' and all the while engaging the apparent ego to be more powerful... to feel better... more happy. Ego development is an industry with hundreds of thousands of books, courses, workshops, teleseminars, blogs, teachers, dvds, cds, mp3s, methodologies, religions, practices, paths, ways that promise a better 'you'. Ego continues to seem to control the 'getting' of this happiness or peace that the individual 'me' seeks relentlessly. In truth the ego is relentless in its need for the illusion of control over 'outside' circumstances that seem to affect the 'me' powerfully. "Cause and effect are after all what life is all about is it not", says the ego.
'I' do this and then that happens, reinforces the ego. 

Life simply happens and if there is a removal of the illusion of 'the other' there is the seeing that this IS life. This 'you' IS life itself and nothing 'else'.

This robs the apparent ego of anything to do and a battle ensues to regain the seeming control of the organism and the fanning of the flames of individual personality... and so the seeking continues supported purely by the apparent ego as it assumes its role of driver and director and sentinel and guard. This can be a very spiritualised ego form that plays the role of the awakening personality with enlightenment to gain or add to its cv of experiences.  This constant mind / ego appearance clouds the presence of pure awareness and true nature that breathes beneath the apparent surface.

Only ONE. Just THIS. Only EVER this... NO OTHER.

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