Sunday, 1 May 2011


So this appearance of 'you' has a story. 'You' have a name and as that name 'you' appear as the main character in 'your' story.

The title of this story might be named 'The adventures of ...........' (insert 'your' name here)

The story is written by 'your' mind/ego. 

It seems to be an autobiography. 'You' writing about 'you'.

This story seems to sweep the main character up in a myriad of experiences, adventures, happenings, tales, meetings, encounters, relationships, studies, events, occasions, outcomes, states and an endless string of one thing after another designed to keep the character going.

The author sees an endless potential for sequels and is always writing 24/7 to keep the adventures going in order to keep the character going in order to keep the author going. The game is survival and the author must survive and keep going no matter what.  This is after all 'you' who is keeping going. Invention is the name of the game as the author continues to use what is known about the main character from previous experience as well as adding more to the repertoire of knowledge as the character encounters challenges and triumphs of gaining and adding and getting somewhere.

The main character may take on a sense of autonomous life so strongly that it believes it is living the adventures in its own story and is able to make choice and to set its own course in life. It develops the sense of personal will and a sense of creating and doing that seems to propel the character forward in life always toward a goal or a preferred outcome.

'You' are after all writing 'your' 'own' story here.

Yet always the author writes the adventure causing the character to experience and to perceive and to relate to what is happening from a separate perspective.
The author retains all rights to this work and all its sequential volumes.

The author is driven to continue and perhaps to realise the dream of a pullitzer or a major literary award along the way to further ensure the continuance of the work. The author is never satisfied and seems to be a perfectionist always fine tuning and adding perspectives to this character using old themes and merging these old themes within new adventures and experiences of the character.

The author and the character get to feel that they are the most important and the most significant offering to come along ever and the continued proving of the value of this work keeps the seeking and reaching and desiring and greater goal setting going like a raging bush fire that is fuelled by the oxygen of the trees it consumes.

The given and previously developed conditions of this character provide the author with a well spring of information to use whenever the character finds itself in a situation that seems to require a response or reaction. The character is
celebrated for its ability to respond to various happenings with a recognised and previously tested series of actions or reactions that have always seemed to be safe or ended in life continuing.

The filter of previous experience is always there in the author's head providing them with a set of likely outcomes to be applied to any given situation within which the character finds themselves.

After all the author and the character are one and the same are they not?

Somewhere within the character who has arisen out of the mind of the author lies a sense of something fake or not quite real or something lacking as the exhaustion of the continued reaching and grabbing for success or forward movement begin to exhaust the character to its core. The endless desiring and getting and failing to get are becoming impossible to hold onto for the character and it begins to feel that it is driving too fast and too hard. The character begins to get a sense of the presence of the author in its life and begins to wonder who is running this show actually?

The character begins to question and to seek for something more than this rat race that seems to be generated by the author. The character begins to feel restricted and imprisoned by the author's control over what happens.

Simultaneously the author begins to sense that its main character creation is assuming a sense of separate life and is pulling away or questioning everything. The author takes the reins more strongly to avoid disaster or losing control. This sense of the potential to lose control sends the author into hyper sensitivity as it begins to use everything it knows to avert danger and the threatening of its role as author of 'The Adventures of ......

The character stumbles upon a teaching that seems to suggest there is only ONE. This sends both the character and the author into tailspin as both begin to attempt to understand this idea of ONENESS. The author being the driver attempts to decode this information of oneness and to make sense of this idea of only ONE and within this is revealed the notion, according to the author, of nothingness.

The author rebels and switches back into all that it knows in order to circumnavigate the threat of nothing as surely the story cannot continue without a creator, a writer, a seeker, a character, a person, an individual to make things happen. The author finds the idea of nothing extremely boring and without the buzz of creating 24/7 and anyway, 'What would I do if there was only nothing?'

The character has now felt this openness of absolute emptiness of which this nothingness is both made and not made, formed and not formed. The character falls through the sense of author, beyond into absolute reality and awakens to the illusion of all things.

The author continues to speak and to offer and coerce the character to continue the path of seeking and of reaching for something and so the character slips between authorship and self and nothing until a series of seeming happenings dissolve the character as this illusion fades into life itself and the library of separate stories and persons and places and times and spaces falls into nothingness where they have always existed as illusion that rises and falls from and back into nothingness, emptiness absolute reality, life.

The character has faded into simply being. No character needed. No author needed. Life plays out as pure existence happening.

The author seems to surrender its role and disappears along with the illusion.

There is no book, no library, no writer, no characters, no story, no beginning, no ending, no concepts, no contents.... no-thing at all.

There never really was an author... just the appearance of one.

Everything just IS.... and from this arises....

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